Streamlining your business is key.

Process & Workflow Improvement

In today's world, if it ain't broke, break it!  A more politically correct way to say it might be that there is "always a better way".  Better U coaches are productivity specialists who have real-world experience in finding better ways to make things happen in an organization. So often we ask the question of "Why do you do this that way" only to hear "because that's the way we've always done it!" We work with you and your employees to understand how things should be done and to develop a process for repeatable, efficient work-flow.

One of the biggest areas for coaching that our clients gain the most benefit from is Process Improvement Consulting.  Often, there IS a way to build a better mouse-trap and our team of coaches can help you develop systems to streamline business processes and reduce costs.

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Productivity, efficiency, and effectiveness.

The goal is to make things easier.

Management systems, supervisory training, forecasting and planning tools, work controls and reporting systems are our instruments to get there.

Management Consulting is performed by independent and objective professional people who help managers analyze management and operating problems and recommend and  implement solutions to these problems in order to improve the performance of these institutions.

The increasing demand for the services of professional management consultants stems from the growing burdens imposed upon management in recent years.    They range from inflation, recession, urban renewal, militant stockholders and new goals and lifestyles of employees, to energy and pollution problems, the shortage of raw materials and the running of their business in a period of explosive changes.  Today’s manager is confronted with a host of new problems requiring understanding, knowledge, and skills not generally required for managing a business ten years ago.

The chief contributions of management consulting are: Objectivity, Experience, Analytical skill, and Attention Factor  Objectivity is the most basic value offered.  There is no substitute for the independent, impartial view that a management consultant can provide. Consultants offer a fresh viewpoint - free from personal interest, internal loyalties, company tradition, or preconception. 

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Values offered include:


Objectivity is the most basic value offered. There is no substitute for the independent, impartial view that a management consultant can provide. Consultants offer a fresh viewpoint - free from personal interest, internal loyalties, company tradition, or preconception.


From broad experience, gained in analyzing and solving similar problems for clients, the consultant has learned what problems to anticipate, what action to take when unexpected obstacles arise, what reactions to expect from the people involved, and what ingredients are necessary for a successful project.


Analytical Skills

It is the consultant’s business to know how to find the real problems and the underlying causes, determine the conditions for its solution, and be able to achieve the results necessary. Consultants can also act as the catalyst to draw out, articulate, and implement the ideas that have laid dormant within the organization.


Attention Factor

Consultants can devote their full attention on the problem (s) at hand and carry through the solution to completion, free from the distracting day-to-day operating responsibilities that prevent management from handling these problems on their own.

Consultants play a vital role in providing an improved understanding of managerial duties, the company structure and organization, and of new skills, tools, and techniques that can be used to create lasting improvements at a client site.