EXECUTIVE/Business Coaching

What Does An Executive Coach Do??

Well, we work with executives, supervisors, managers, entrepreneurs, sales people.  People who are really in charge of something and have a great deal of control, one way or another, of the successes that they can create for themselves, their businesses, their corporations and they just have hit a ceiling and they are just not working as effectively as they could be and they don’t know what to do about it.  They don’t know how to get beyond these limitations that have come to be a big part of their lives and are keeping them less then all they can be. We work with them to reinvent, renew and recharge themselves by learning new skills and disciplines, using new tools so they can be better in thinking, leading and executing. Simply put, we help people become more successful, more profitable in their business and happier in their lives.  People come to us to learn how to work smarter, more effectively, more profitably, more happily. To get on with their lives and achieve new goals and new possiblities.

Do you have challenges in your organization around motivation, sales, execution or trust? We can help you move past these challenges and get you and your team, your organization, to new heights.

Additionally, we have a number of specialty areas where we can help you organization improve process. Better U's Consulting Services draws on our years of business experience serving a wide variety of businesses.  This variety has allowed us to acquire best-in-class practices that we can bring to your business. From Team Building to Executive Management, Better U can help take your business to new heights!

Workflow/Process Improvement Coaching - In today's world, if it ain't broke, break it!  A more politically correct way to say it might be that there is "always a better way".  Better U coaches are productivity specialists who have real-world experience in finding better ways to make things happen in an organization. So often we ask the question of "Why do you do this that way" only to hear "because that's the way we've always done it!" We work with you and your employees to understand how things SHOULD be done and to develop a process for repeatable, efficient work-flow.

One of the biggest areas for coaching that our clients gain the most benefit from is Process Improvement Consulting.  Often, there IS a way to build a better mouse-trap and our team of coaches can help you develop systems to streamline business processes and reduce costs.  Learn more about this specialized consulting offering.

Procurement Coaching  - Your business' procurement process is critical to your success. It may account for a significant portion of your costs or have the most impact on your customer's satisfactionBetter U has proven methods to help you strengthen your procurement process, such as more effective bidding processes, driving more value from your purchasing, raising your quality performance or realizing a more effective delivery process. Learn more about our Procurement Coaching practice.

Not sure whether you want coaching or consulting?  Click here for more info on the difference.