Can You See The Silver Lining?

Today's Excellence Challenge is from TQ Attitude Factor 3E:

Look for the Best in Every Situation -- the Opportunity in Every Problem.

" If you view all the things that happen to you, both good and bad, as opportunities, then you operate out of a higher level of consciousness." ~ Les Brown

" If you view all the things that happen to you, both good and bad, as opportunities, then you operate out of a higher level of consciousness." ~ Les Brown

There are experiences that are pleasurable and ones that are painful, but there are no "bad" experiences. You may have to look harder sometimes for the good, but every experience can be a valuable teacher. 

Shift your perspective today to recognize every experience as something of value -- an opportunity for growth, a lesson learned or a chance to move in a new direction. Look for the opportunity.

Today's Excellence Habit Challenge...

Choose to be OPTIMISTIC... What's the most valuable part of your present assignment?  Choose to be UNDAUNTED... Which of your "bad" experiences are in need of a new interpretation? Choose to be HOPEFUL...How could eliminating the word "bad" from your interpretations free up the way you will approach your activities and interactions today?

Richard Beynon