Got A Minute?

Today's Excellence Challenge is from TQ Optimize Factor 9E:

Create Systems to Maximize Time -- Yours & Others.

" Anything that is wasted effort represents wasted time. The best management of our time thus becomes linked inseparably with the best utilization of our efforts." ~ Ted W. Engstrom

" Anything that is wasted effort represents wasted time. The best management of our time thus becomes linked inseparably with the best utilization of our efforts." ~ Ted W. Engstrom

Set up "availability hours" when you'll receive visitors without appointment. During these times, associates may be assured of your undivided time and attention. 

An open-door policy shouldn't be taken literally. Keep your door closed when you need to, and make it known what hours you're available.

Today's Excellence Habit Challenge...

Choose to be CONSIDERATE... When you give your attention away to whoever needs it, how will you ever have enough for your own projects?  

Choose to be RESPECTFUL... How can you tell someone tactfully to come back and see you during your "availability hours"? 

Choose to be EFFICIENT...What time of day will you be available for your co-workers this week?

Do You Need a Coach?
Every successful person requires an advisor, mentor, and coach…

Many people have hidden strengths and talents that can only be fully realized with training and coaching. Why not take the first step and have an intelligent discussion about where you are going and how you expect to get there? A 30-minute consultation is free and may just help you move faster in the right direction! Click our Book Now button at the top of the page and book an introductory session with us today!

Richard Beynon