What If You Had Started Practicing A Month Ago?

Today's Excellence Challenge is from TQ Act Now Factor 10F:

Immediately Apply New Ideas and Practice Until Mastered.

" Motivation is like food for the brain. You cannot get enough in one sitting. It needs continual and regular top up's." ~ Peter Davie

" Motivation is like food for the brain. You cannot get enough in one sitting. It needs continual and regular top up's." ~ Peter Davie

No one masters a new idea the first time, so don't let the prospect of making a mistake keep you from trying. Only by experimenting and improving will you ever get the chance to master any new skill. 

To make it easier to try a new idea, find a situation where it's ok to make a mistake. It's easier to try something new when you have little to lose.

Today's Excellence Habit Challenge...

Choose to be EAGER... Know anyone who could be a practice-partner with you?  Choose to be AGGRESSIVE... What new idea have you always wanted to try and been afraid to start? Choose to be OPTIMISTIC...What situation coming up soon would be a safe time to apply your new idea?

Make the REST of your life the BEST of your life... a life of PASSION, PURPOSE and MEANING.

FACT: Scientists have just found that people who can clearly articulate their purpose live 8 years longer than people who have a weak sense of purpose and direction (Blue Zones.) They live LONGER and their quality of life is substantially BETTER. Take the Success On Purpose Challenge and start LIVING the life you are intended to live!

Success on Purpose is the starting point for turning your visions into physical existence... a life you know is there waiting for you in your dreams... but you just don't know how to realize. A 30-minute consultation is free and may just help you move faster in the right direction! Click our Book Now button at the top of the page and book an introductory session with us today!

Richard Beynon