Where Will You Be By Nightfall?

Today's Excellence Challenge is from TQ Set Goals Factor 4H:

Calendar Major Milestones.

" Without goals, and plans to reach them, you are like a ship that has set sail with no destination." ~ Fitzhugh Dodson

" Without goals, and plans to reach them, you are like a ship that has set sail with no destination." ~ Fitzhugh Dodson

Break your goal down into a series of objectives; and set deadlines for each objective. Every time you meet a deadline, you'll build more momentum for the next one.  Your calendar is your best planning tool. See the big picture when you plan out your big rocks.

To make an effective plan, identify midrange objectives to achieve on the way to your Big Goal. Then, be sure to give each objective a "by when."

Today's Excellence Habit Challenge...

Choose to be LOGICAL... Which items on your Master List could use deadlines?  

Choose to be METHODICAL... How do you feel when you've completed something within the projected time? 

Choose to be PRACTICAL...Which deadlines can you realistically meet by tomorrow afternoon?

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Richard Beynon